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Removal of Meters from Live Electricity Connection is an Unlawful Act



Removal of Meters from Live Electricity Connection is an Unlawful Act

Burla, 26.09.2024: While at TPWODL, we put in our best effort to ensure stable, reliable, uninterrupted power supply to every section of society in our service area. Some consumers of Barapali area of Bargarh district have again engaged themselves in removal of meters from the place of installation and dumped before the Tahsil office, which has come to our notice.


We wish to make our stand very clear that, electricity distribution, maintenance, metering, billing, billing tariff are all regulated by Hon’ble Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (OERC). These tariffs are announced by Hon’ble OERC once in every year through an open discussion with people from different section of society. We as a licensee for electricity distribution follow the decision communicated by Hon’ble OERC in letter and spirit.


According to the regulation and law, a consumer is considered as an official consumer when his connection provided with a meter irrespective of the place or type of consumption. Removal of meters from a live electricity connection is absolutely illegal, unlawful and offence under Section 135 & 139 of the Electricity Act, 2003.


We have stated it at several occasion and instances over last couple of months for the information of consumers and public at large. So far, the incident of Barapali area is concerned. We have reported this matter to the Bargarh district civil administration and police administration to initiate action as per the provision in the law.


Once again, we would reiterate for the interest of all that, smart meters are 100% accurate, reliable and there is no issue with the equipments, which are provide to the consumer by as. Therefore, any such act which is unlawful in nature shall be delt by the law enforcement authority accordingly.


More than anything, we have always been requesting consumers that tempering with live electricity connection may lead to safety hazards. There are chances of loss of life and property while doing so. In the unfortunate circumstances, if there is any accident takes place, discom will not be held responsible in any manner.        


Head-Corporate Communication & Govt. Relations

Corporate Office, TPWODL, Burla

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