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Tata Steel’s Ferro Chrome Plants Bag Kalinga Safety Excellence Award in Platinum and Gold categories

Tata Steel’s Ferro Chrome Plants Bag Kalinga Safety Excellence Award in Platinum and Gold categories

-Honoured with Kalinga Safety Excellence Awards at 14th National Safety Conclave

Bhubaneswar, Dec 22, 2023: Tata Steel’s Ferro Chrome Plants of Athagarh in Cuttack and Gopalpur in Ganjam have been adjudged with the prestigious Kalinga Safety Excellence Award in Platinum and Gold categories respectively at the National Safety Conclave – 2023 organised by the Institute of Quality and Environment Management Services (IQEMS) here at a city hotel. The plants received the awards for the performance year – 2022.

The Plants earlier operating under Tata Steel Mining Limited and now part of the Ferro Alloys and Minerals Division (FAMD) of Tata Steel, won the coveted awards for their outstanding achievements in maintaining the highest standards of safety and operational integrity. Dr. Sudhansu Sarangi, IPS, Director General, Fire Services and Commandant General, Home Guards and Director, Civil Defence, Government of Odisha presented the Platinum award to Bathula Srinivas, Head, Ferro Chrome Plant, Athagarh and the Gold award to Atla Rambabu, Head, Ferro Chrome Plant, Gopalpur at the event.

Expressing gratitude for the honour, Pankaj Satija, Executive-In-Charge (FAMD), Tata Steel, said, "I thank the jury members for recognising our safety initiatives and honouring us with the coveted awards. This will surely motivate the team to further our efforts towards ensuring highest safety standards at our operations.”

Safety has always been of paramount importance for Tata Steel and the company is committed to fostering a culture of safety that permeates every aspect of its operations. The steel major showcases a robust safety framework that prioritizes the welfare of its workforce.

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