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TPNODL tightening grips to keep power theft in check

TPNODL tightening grips to keep power theft in check

Balasore 11.06.2024 - TP Northern Odisha Distribution Limited (TPNODL) a joint venture between Tata Power and the Government of Odisha is always engrossed on ensuring quality and reliable power supply to its customers in northern Odisha and at the same time is equally focused on eradicating illegal usage of electricity from grass root level so that honest and genuine customers could have access to 24/7 uninterrupted power supply.

The company has successfully managed to put a stop on power theft of over 300 megawatt till date. Initially in the financial year 2021-22, a total of 37,938 complaints were filed against illegal usage of electricity and 73.23 megawatt of electricity could eventually be saved. Similarly in the FY 2022-23 attempted power theft of around 101.12 megawatt could be stopped by registering 36,429 cases. Most recently in FY 2023 - 24, data reflects that around 40,000 complaints have been filed over various instances of power theft and in the process more than 100 megawatt of electricity could be saved.

TPNODL has substantially expedited the process of investigation at its section and circle offices by constituting central teams and it is taking no half measures in dealing with such immoral acts of power theft. Illegal usage of electricity is a punishable offence and TPNODL has urged its customers to refrain from power theft as it is morally and ethically unjustifiable. It has undertaken a plethora of initiatives to keep check on power theft and in line with it, honest customers are provided with telephone number 9438906002 to contact the electricity department and inform any sort of Illegal usage of electricity in its area of operation..

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